Well it's definitely been awhile. Since July we have been a little more eventful it seems. We got to go to a wedding over in Warm Springs at the resort Kah-nee-ta. It was a blast. I went over with my parents on Friday and Jordan joined us Saturday after he got off work. The most eventful thing besides the wedding was the wildfire that started right before the wedding. The resort is in a valley and the hill right in front of us caught fire and took off so fast. We watched helicopters and planes dumping water on it for hours. The wedding was delayed and everything was ashy and smokey. It was pretty exciting. Unfortunately I forgot my cameras, but it looked amazing at night. All the embers burning on the hill looked like a little city. And the weird thing is that Jordan almost got called out from his fire station to go help with another wildfire in the same area just a few days ago. It's that time a year I guess. Becareful and remember what Smokey says . . .
We have a few new addition to the family. A few weeks ago we came across a 1 year old mini donkey named Jack-Jack. Our friends were down sizing their animals and of course we took him off their hands. At first we had him in with our goats, but he was really aggressive with them so we had to separate them. Our next new family members are two miniature African Pygmy goats. They are so cute! Their names are Ziggy and Farly (one day we will get an animal unnamed). Unfortunately Jack-Jack attacked one of the little goats and we were forced to get rid of him. Oh well, we might try it again when we have more area to separate them.
They are brothers and have opposite
marking on their sides
Jack-Jack eating a stick. Isn't he cute?!
This was where we were camping.
It was so beautiful.
Austyn and Daddy
This is also Austyn and Daddy, with an
unhappy Mommy :(
Sometimes I wonder what goes through his mind!
September for us is the start of a very busy Fall. We went camping over Labor Day with Jordan's work at the coast in Charleston. It's a big crab trip and they rent a huge open field in a campground and everyone just hangs out and has a great time. This was our first time going and we had so much fun. It was one of my favorite camping trips. A few weekends later, guess what......... little baby Austyn turns #1. Can you believe it? It blows my mind to think it's already been a year. You throw our 2 year anniversary and Jordan's third test in the mix and I'd call it a full month. Just to start off October with the Corn Maze at Lone Pine. Jordan is taking an entire month off to help my parents out, and then he's off to Elk Hunting for a week. So mid November we can slow down and catch our breath a little. But we don't mind. We like it busy, we all do better that way :)
Austyn has slowed down in the growing department finally. But has definitely gained speed in the movement department. She goes from the second she wakes up until the second her head hits the mattress. She is taking one or two steps by herself, she stands alone, talks (babbles) your ear off, goes 100 m.p.h., and has learned to give kisses. She pretty much mocks anything and everything. Things she hates: cottage cheese, getting her hair done, and trimming her nails. Things she loves: food (this girl can put the food away. Most of the time she eats more than I do at dinner), bathes, playing at Grandma and Grandpa Garner's house, being outside with mommy and daddy, and being on anything that burns gas (that goes, goes, goes!). She has her 1 year check-up on September 22, we are all kind of excited. It's always fun to see how much she's grown, and it's nice to have a complete stranger tell us how perfect she is (even though that's their job and they says it to every baby. It's still nice to hear).

Jordan is busy as ever. He just took his third test and did amazing, 91% Woop Woop!!!! He says the Fourth test isn't as bad. He went golfing with his work last weekend and had a ball. Although I think he may be better a Wii golf, he still had fun. I'm not sure if it is the golf cart or the golf game that keeps him going back.
Not much to say about me. I'm just trying to enjoy the good stuff in life. Things seem to be in warp speed most of the time. And it's sure easy to get caught up in the little stuff that doesn't matter rather than appreciate and cherish the important things. I've made it my personal goal to try and live day to day. You never know what tomorrow may bring.
Hope all is well with everyone. Enjoy the last part of summer. Fall is almost here!!! Yeehaa!! That means it's almost Christmas and my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I too old for that? Neah :)
I'll post a blog after Ausytn's Birthday.