That's right, it's corn maze time! We LOVE this time of year. And we LOVE the time we spend at Lone Pine. Jordan is doing the maze again at nights and runs around during the day like a crazy man. Doing everything that needs to be done. Again our house looks like we have our own pumpkin patch from countless times going on the tractor rides. The kids have really enjoyed the night time action this year. We have our routine for the evenings. We eat dinner, put the goats away, Quade puts his mask on and gets his chainsaw and scares the people waiting in line, Austyn helps take tickets at the front, and Quade and I head into the haunted maze to play around. Quade loves loves loves the haunted maze. He thinks it is so funny when people get scared. I have gotten a few comments about not being the most responsible parent for having him in there, but it's different when he sees the behind the scenes stuff all year round. Oh well I guess.
Quade took GG through the maze a couple times
Jordan dressed up one night
We had a costume birthday party last weekend so the kids got to try out their costumes. They loved it. So cute!
For Halloween this year we are going to make our usual rounds and then Trick-or-Treat with his brothers family in their neighborhood. Jordan will have to take off early to go to the maze, so I will finish up with the kids in town and then head to the maze for the last night.
This Halloween season has been the most amazing year yet with the kids. We've done bobbing for apples, decorated (painting) pumpkins, decorated Halloween cupcakes, Halloween Jello jigglers, carved pumpkins, watched Halloween movies, read Halloween books, decorated the house, built a spooky gingerbread village, and we've dressed up Halloweeny as much as we possibly can. I also got to make cute little spider cookies for Austyns Harvest party at her school.
Austyn just finished her soccer season. She really enjoyed it. The group of kids and parents were a blast. She is excelling in school. I can't believe how fast she learns things. She really likes school and the kids that are in her class. Austyn was sick for a whole week with a nasty stomach bug which caused her to miss school that week. Her teacher is so amazing, she came to our house to give Austyn a get well present. I can't say enough about this teacher. She is truely amazing.
Austyns soccer buddies
Harvest party at school

Petersen Pumpkins 2015
Grandma and Austyn leading Brasada
Quade is more amazing than ever. He is a non-stop chatter box. He tells the most imaginative stories. He is totally into anything gun, sword, knife, tools, or anything with wheels on it. He is in a super hero stage right now and has to always wear his cape. Picture him in his undies and cape running around the house with some sort of weapon in his hand yelling like a mad man. That is what Quade does 24-7. If he's not in the house doing that he's outside in his undies, cape, and rubber boots climbing on something. He is such a boy it blows my mind. My family and I have to laugh because even though we didn't know Jordan when he was Quades age, we KNOW they are exactly the same. It's so much fun watching Quade learn from Austyn. He watches her and picks up on everything.
Quade got these ear pieces that look like spoons. He thought they were amazing.
Classic Quade face
Jordan's back finally got better. He is back to his normal schedule. He still goes to physical therapy once a week and tries to be careful with his back. He still has days where it is pretty tender. He was in charge of proctoring the testing for the engineers program while he was on light duty. He did such a good job that they are hiring him to come test people when they need help. He really likes it. He is also getting ready to go elk hunting next week. He will be gone for 5 days I think. Now that he's back on his normal work schedule he is enjoying a little time off during the week. He did 6 weeks of a 9-5 schedule with Lone Pine on the weekends, so needless to say he was a little burnt out. It's nice to see him once and a while.
And as for me, I have never felt so happy or complete in my entire life. The kids are at perfect ages to make everything we do fun. I feel like a real mom lately. I've brought snacks to soccer games, and all the fun crafty Halloween stuff we've been doing has just made my heart so happy. The kids can really participate and get into the projects. I've never really gotten into Halloween before, but this year is different. I love to see the kids light up with excitement when we put up a new decoration or do something crafty. I am so thankful for the opportunities we have and are able to give to the kids. I couldn't imagine any better of a life than the one we have. I get so excited looking a head to Christmas and how much fun it's going to be with the kids. I can't wait. I thank God every day for the blessings in my life.
I think that's about it for now. Elk hunting is the only thing we have planned in the near future. Have a safe a yummy Halloween!