Just kidding. All kidding aside, I feel like the kids have grown up so much in the last few months. Austyn was told that she needed to stop sucking her fingers at night to help her teeth. So at 4 years old she has enough will power to cold turkey the finger sucking all by herself. She has amazing will power. Especially at her age. She use to have her blanket in one hand and suck her fingers with the other. Now her blanket just stays in the same place all night. So sad. But I'm totally blown away at how she just did it with not another word. And we also took her to a private Kindergarten where she tested and got in for next year!!! I'm so excited for her. And she can hardly wait to start her new school next year. The reason this is a big deal (for us anyways) is that she will be a complete year behind the rest of the students, and she did well enough to be accepted. She has that strange Birthday that is so close to the cut off line. I'm so excited for her. Also Austyn is now in just a booster car seat. Man, can we stop this growing streak? It's been too much all at one time for this Mama.
And new changes for Quade as well. We started potty training. It is 6 months later than when we started with Austyn, but that might be the key to easy peasy potty training. It's been two days now and he has been dry every nap and bed time. I've been impressed. And he has only had 3 accidents. We still have a long ways to go, but it's such a great start. No more diapers for us!!! Can't hardly believe it. Our kids are growing up. Tear!!!! He has just totally been blowing me away at how well he talks now. He is putting sentences together and is totally understandable to most people. I love his little voice and his version of saying things. I guess the next big step (besides completing potty training) is a big boy bed. I'm not thinking this will happen too soon? Who knows though. We usually just decide one day to do whatever needs to be done next.
Here is Quade riding his tractor in his big boy undies and socks. He loves his underwear.
Jordan and I started our fitness challenge at the beginning of the month and have done great. He has had amazing results and I haven't been to shabby myself. It's so much easier doing it together. My mom is also joining in too. I love it. We are doing the challenge until March but plan to ultimately make it a lifestyle change. My Aunt Diane lost 50lbs. last year and she is now a motivation for all of us. I'm so proud of her.
Nothing is planned for us in the foreseeable future. But we all know how fast that can change😉 Looking forward to either some major snow or summer. Either one would be fine with me. Hope everyone is doing well.