We went whale watching a week ago and weren't able to see any. But we had an amazing day anyways with my Dad and GG. GG treated us to a trip to the Sea Lion caves. It was so much fun. We went to lunch and the. Stopped by a beach for a few minutes. It was such a beautiful day.
We also took a quick trip to the snow. It was also a beautiful day. We were able to just be in our sweatshirts. We had a picnic and just had a laid back time.
Austyn has been doing really well in school. Her reading has come so far, so quickly. I love watching her learn. She got to go to a retirement home to sing Christmas songs to the patients. And also went to a Church service and caroled as well with her Kindergarten class. It was so cute to see. She lost another tooth. Jordan was home this time and thankfully helped her out. Pulling teeth is like nails on a chaulk board to me. She is getting so big. I still can't believe what a great little girl she is. I can always trust her to tell the truth and have great manners. I'm thinking of putting her in swim lessons soon. She loves swimming and I know she would enjoy it.
Quade got really into Christmas this year. It was so sweet. He's loving all his new toys. He got guns, tools, knives, trucks, flashlights, hunting gear, and a bicycle. He is still on cloud nine. His tall tales have gotten even taller and he is just a kick to watch. He's absolutely an amazing boy. His new talent is to work on rigs with Jordan. He has his own creeper and Jordan gives him his own tools. It melts my heart.
Jordan started his Officer Development Program (ODP) as of the first of this month. So it will be like his Engineers program all over again. YAY!!!! He will do amazing. I have no doubt in my mind. As always he has a list a mile long of projects to do. He has also started the Firefighter Fitness Challenge again. He's always busy with something.
And as for me, I've never been so excited about a New Year before. I'm doing the fitness challenge as well. And with that, am super excited to see what I can do to my body in 3 months. I've also been going to the physical therapist again for my back. It was just constantly getting weaker and weaker. So Jordan finally made me an appointment with the lady he was using. She's amazing. And it's also fun that she's treating both of us. I've seen an improvement with my back, so that's encouraging. I'm really focusing on my health this year. I'm at a point to where if I don't take care of a few things, my future health will be not so awesome. So in as unselfish as I can, I'm going to try and focus this year on me. So I can be a healthier, better mom and wife for my family.
I hope everyone's Christmas and New Years was awesome. This year is going to be the absolute best!!