Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Country Life ...

  Summer is finally here, and it's always a little reminder of how lucky we are to live where we do. Not just our location in terms of attractions (which is pretty much ideal in my book), but how sucluded we are from the rest of the world. During the summer months you can find us outside doing something all day long. The T.V. rarely is on and we make multiple trips to the river to swim, ride quads, bikes, play in the sprinklers, take walks, or just play outside doing country stuff. I feel so fortunate to be able to raise our kids in the country. It teaches them so much and makes them a more rounded individual. Just the other day we were hanging out at home and the kids were running around in their undies and swim suites playing in the slew and building a camp fire to make popcorn over, and it just really hit me that there is no better place on Earth than where are right now. It's God's country, as my Aunt would say. Life is perfect and we are so thankful for it.

Jordan made the kids a dock with a water slide! 
We found this little guy while we were riding quads one evening
Summer camp fire 
Proof of a fun filled day!

  Our annual Memorial Day camping trip was again the best trip ever. It was actually HOT during our stay. There were 12 kids in camp this year and it was a complete blast. The kids played all day long and rode quads. Not one fit or fight was had the whole time. It was warm enough that the kids were in their undies and played in the ocean everyday. 

The kids found a log and demanded Jordan drag it up to camp

Every year they are out before we hit the highway. 

  While we were camping we got the call that hay season had begun. So when we got back home it was time to get hot and heavy in the field. We look forward to hay season all year. The kids loved it this year. 
Quade got new boots and this is the outfit he wore for about three days
The kids are finally big enough to ride in the bale wagon 

  Quade finally got his MRI and blood work done and all is well. We are so thankful for the great results. He is the bravest 3 year old there is. He let them attempt an IV two times and didn't even cry. He's amazing. 
He is very very excited about his special bracelet 
He thought the warm air was under the blanket was such special treatment
A cookie for the good boy afterwards. And of course all the nurses wanted to keep him. 

  Jordan has his second test this coming week, so he is hitting the books even harder. We are getting ready for our trip to Cabo in about a week. I'm getting really excited. It's going to be so much fun. We have swim lessons, Scandinavian dance, numerous camping trips, and camping out in the tent to look forward to this summer. Hope everyone's summer is started of as good as our.