Enough of the sappy stuff, and on to the happenings! We finished the concrete!!!!!!! It is so amazing. The kids have been enjoying themselves so much with riding their bikes and scooters all around the house, not wearing shoes to go outside and play, playing in the hose and not making a mud pit. It's unbelievable.
Everyone gets a turn at compacting.
Look at that crew! Like a fine oiled machine.
Every heard of "built yourself in a boat". They had
to use the backhoe to reach him.
My two Scandinavian cuties participated in the festivities again this year at the festival. Austyn danced and Quade decided to be a Viking. I love dressing them up. It's so fun and they look adorable.
Quades costume turned out pretty cool for left over
Halloween costumes I had laying around.
She found an amazing face painting booth
After the festival Jordan and I went to the Willamette Country Music Festival in Brownsville. We were both first timers. It was a breath taking site to see all the campers there. It still blows my mind at how many people were there. We went from Thursday to Sunday afternoon. We got home Sunday to do laundry, repack the food, and grab the kids to go to our annual Crab Trip for a week. Like always we had a blast. We can never get enough of that camping trip. The kids got to go out on the crabbing boat, hiking, tide pool exploring, rock climbing, hermit crab racing, and lots and lots of playing and riding bikes.
This is a picture of Jordan and Austyn at the top of the
rock they had just climbed up to watch the sunset.
That's it. I'm all caught up for now. We have school starting in less that a week. And soccer will start shortly after that. We are trying to get one last camping trip in before the season ends. It will probably be mid September if it happens. The kids are already planning their Halloween costumes. I get so excited for their costumes. I love it!!! And last but certainly not least, Austyn's 8th Birthday. Can you believe it?! 8 years old. I think she's going to sucker me into a sleep over party. There's a whole other blog topic for later.