Friday, November 22, 2019

Fall Happenings . . .

  Here we are at the end of November! Can you believe it? Holiday season is just around the corner. Seems like the kids were just starting school yesterday. Things haven't slowed down a bit. We are just busy with different kinds of activities. School activities, sports, the shop still, and the daily school routine. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas time, because that means the kids are out of school!!!!! This year we are going to the coast with my parents for Thanksgiving. We didn't get to have a Mimication this year so we decided to change things up a bit for Thanksgiving and head to the coast for a couple days and play on the beach and relax. Jordan will be working on Thursday, but he will come over after his shift and spend the rest of the weekend with us at the coast. It will be something fun and different.
  The kids have been busy with sports and after school programs. Austyn did soccer and volleyball. Quade did football and is currently in basketball. They both participated in a Garden Club at their school. And they both are doing incredible in school. Quade is loving first grade and all the new responsibilities that an older student has compared to Kindergarten. He is very focused and takes school very serious. Austyn is figuring out that third grade is the start of a whole new approach to school. This is the year that they gain A LOT more independence which requires more personal responsibility and initiative. Now that she has that figured out she is excelling and really enjoying it. She absolutely loved everything about volleyball this year. She was incredible to watch too. And to see her love something so much was heart warming for me.
  Jordan is still slaving away on the shop and devoting every spare minute he has to it. It is coming along beautifully I might add. We are so blessed that my dad and brother and his brother Josh help out so much with it too. Jordan has an opportunity to go to Nepal (yeah, the country) early next year. He will be going to Eugene's sister city to help train their firefighters over there. He doesn't have many details yet, but it will be a trip of a lifetime. What an incredible opportunity for him. I'm hoping to tag along and be able to experience Nepal myself, but we will see how that pans out.
  Here are some pictures of The Petersen Life since September.

Quade taking a joy ride on a boom we are using
on the shop. We've all been enjoying playing on the 
rental equipment.

Flag football. What a little cutie pie!

Trusses going up on the shop. We have the metal on the 
roof now, and a couple of the sides.

First soccer game of the season

More football

She loves dressing up for each season

These doughnuts!! We recently have been trying out
gluten and dairy free to hopefully control some
health issues we've been going through. We found a 
doughnut shop in Corvallis and every time we're up there
we have to make a stop. They are delicious. 

Went to the pumpkin patch. 

I thought it would be a good idea to try ducks and geese.
I'm sure you all can guess how well that went. Lets just say
our neighborhood fox is well fed. 

Hunting with Daddy.

Quade got invited to a  Halloween party. He wanted
to go as a Zombie. I LOVE making their costumes. This
one turned out pretty good. 

This years jack-o-lanterns 

This is how I keep a smile on their faces when I make
them pick up sticks. They drive and I pick up. 

Austyn had custom made bows for volleyball from her coach.
And this girl with her in the picture has done almost every sport
 with her since Kindergarten 

Halloween 2019

Pottery with Mimi

Went to a hunted house type thing during trick-or-treating
this year. 

She is such a great helper. I blow the leaves on the 
yard and she picks them up

Jordan got invited to a Gala for his work. So we
got all fancy for a night. Kind of like prom for adults.

Visiting daddy on a Burn to Learn house. The kids don't know
how lucky they are to be able to be around all the fire stuff they get to 
see and do.