Monday, January 18, 2010

Guess What . . .

Well we just found out that we are pregnant! We are so excited. Can't believe how fast it happens and then how fast my body started giving me signs. I go for my first appointment on the 8th of Febuary. I already have a list of questions for the doctor. I am feeling much better than I had expected ( I know it's early though). I do have massive heartburn most of the time and am pretty tired too, but other than that not too bad. I've never been a nap taker, but I do have to admit the naps are soooo nice!!!!! It was a lot of fun telling our friends and family and seeing their reactions. We are going to have one spoiled baby. We have already started to get gifts. My Aunt Debi got us the cutest halloween costume and a Nike outfit. And my mom picked out the most adorable firefighter outfit. So it better be a boy!!
The baby cloths. Aren't they cute!

We decided to make a blog after following Jordan's family in Utah. It is a great way to keep up on how and what they are doing so far away. So we thought that it would be a good idea so people can keep up on the pregnancy and then more excitingly the baby. Oh yeah, we are due around September 18th. I can't wait, it seems so far away.

Jordan just traded two RC(remote controlled) cars for a 1982 200E three wheeler. It is a peach. He's done a little work to the motor to get it running a little better. But he loves projects like this. Something that he can dink around with when he's bored. He is also working on a go-cart with Jesse (his best friend). Boys and their toys : )
Jordan's 3-wheeler

The go-cart

And it just hit me that what was once our spare bedroom, is now going to be the babies room and not my second closet : (  So even though it is 9 months away, I have started cleaning it out so I can slowly part with things. And then it won't be such a painful process. Things you don't think about. Ha Ha!!

We'll keep you posted. 


  1. My friend last year had the same due date. He was born 3 days early on my birthday. I'm hoping for the same gift this year!!!

  2. Jolene, what a great looking blog! I am so excited we'll be able to see what you guys are up to and especially how cute our little NIECE will be!! I'm going to predict girl, just because that's what we're getting. But I really have no idea. Tell Jordan great job on the 3 wheeler and go-cart, Tyler loved seeing those pics. Those two are so alike that way. Can't wait to hear more about what you're doing to get ready for baby! Take care of yourself. Oh, and I love the scary firefighter in the background of the baby clothes made me laugh. Creepy! haha.

  3. I love that the go cart looks like pipes hooked to wheels. Love the blog though and the cute little outfits! Yeah! Can't wait to see the pictures of the baby!
