So I wanted to put some of the ultrasound pictures that we got up on the last blog, but I couldn't figure out how to get our scanner to work right. I'm not very computer savvy. But here are some of the good ones:
This is her profile (I don't see any big lips! :) )
Here is one of her hands
This is one of her feet
And here is the picture of her girl parts (looks like frank and beans to me!)
I was very skeptical of the accuracy of the sex. So when I got home I compared our girl part picture with others on the internet, and they matched up perfectly. So we are really having a girl. It's so weird knowing what we're having. My Aunt Shelly has been showering us with baby girl gifts. They are the cutest things I've ever seen. I know I say that about everything we get, but everything is so cute. And to think that we will be buying Christmas dresses and Easter outfits. It's going to be fun fun fun!
Here are some pictures of what everyone has gotten us recently:
Here are some pictures of what everyone has gotten us recently:
Aunt Shelly's wonderful gifts
This was given to us by The Bishop's. What a suprise.
These cute outfits The Vetkos' gave to us
And we also got a giftcard to Toys-R-Us from one of Jordan's coworkers
This weekend we are going to have our annual BBQ. It should be really fun. Hopefully the weather is nice enough we can ALL be outside :) We went to the coast last weekend and the weather was so nice. Jordan and I both got a little sunburn. And also we had his Birthday dinner with his family while we were there. Fried Chicken Dinner. Yumm Yumm.
We were busy last Friday and Saturday putting water and power out to our stalls and garden area. It is so nice now. And this summer will be so much easier to water in the garden. Can't wait!!!!!
Jordan, Jesse, and Jason went riding at Bohemia Mines out of Cottage Grove on Wednesday. It sounds like they all had a great time.
Jordan's Grandparents gave us a whole bunch of videos and video cabnets. We were so excited because we were just saying how we wanted to go get a Disney movie after every appointment. They must have read our minds. We got like 220 movies, almost half are Disney with 19 Shirley Temple collections. They also gave us an umbrella for our deck. Funny being as we were wanting to get one of those too. They must be mind readers or just really cool Grandparents!
I got my test results back from the Cardiologist and turns out that my fainting stuff at work is called a Vasovagal syncope. This is when the Vasovagal nerve has a reaction (some sort of trigger, unknown) and causes all my symptoms. Basically meaning that I'm not receiving enough blood to my brain and it drops my blood pressure so much I nearly pass out. He told me it's not dangerous to me or the baby and that there is nothing to do for it. And as far as the heart defect, he wanted to do more testing but they all required radiation. So he wants me to come back after I have the baby and get them done then. This will allow him to see exactly what is going on. He thinks that my heart didn't close up properly after I was born. So if that is the case I will have to have the hole patched up :( That part was kind of scary. But we will deal with that when it comes I guess.
Well that is the latest update with the Petersen's! Hope all is well with everyone. Next appointment is on the 10th of May. So more to come then. So long!
P.S. I am beginning to feel the baby move. What a weird thing! Jordan's pissed he can't feel it. But soon enough I keep telling him.