We've had two doctors appointments since our last post and everything seems to be going along as planned. We have one more two week appointment on the 17th and then we start our every week appointments. Can you believe it. Time sure does fly. We had one of our birthing classes on Wednesday. It was very informative. We really enjoyed it. Our next one is next Wednesday. And we had our breastfeeding class on Thursday. That too was very beneficial. Everything seems to be falling into place for this little one to arrive. I'm not sure what else I need to do to prepare, but I'm sure there's something. Jordan asked our Doctor if he could deliver the baby. And he said absolutely. He's super excited for it.
I had my baby shower on Sunday. It was so nice. Everything turned out just perfect. April and Kelli threw it for me. They did a wonderful job. I got so many nice things from everyone. I was glad so many people came to share my special day with me. We are luck to have such thoughtful friends and family.
We decided to go have an ultrasound done just for us, nothing to do with medical reasons. We thought it would be really fun and exciting to see her at this stage (basically because I'm impatient and couldn't wait 6 more weeks). When we started the session she was sleeping way down in my hip. We tried everything to stimulate her enough to wake her up, but it didn't work. She did move just a little bit so we were able to get some pictures of her face. It's amazing how much she looks like Jordan. That Petersen gene is super strong.
We finally finished splitting wood. What a relief, especially for Jordan. He was the one doing ALL the work. Hopefully when it gets stacked there will be enough for the year.
Nothing else has really been going on. Here are some pictures of our recent activities:
Here's Jordan still cutting wood. It felt like we
were never going to get done.
Here is KODA helping . . .
I can't believe how fast our garden has grown
since the last time I put a picture up.
Lazy summer days.
And here is the grand finale!
Her arm is up by her face.
She has Jordans nose and lips.
This one is my favorite.
We are so excited to meet her and see her in real life. The ultrasound tech said she weighs about 5 1/2 pounds. And everything measures normal for how far along I am. It was very reassuring to be able to see her and know that everything is perfect with her. We've got everything washed a put away and now we are just waiting for her to grace us with her presence.
More to come later. Hope all is well with everyone.
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