Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Decisions suck . . .

  Well the time has come for me to reluctantly head back to work. I think I had myself talked into this day never coming. I was WRONG!!!!  So now the big decision on who to watch our most precious possession. I can't believe how incredibly hard it is to think of someone we can trust enough to put our baby's life in their hands. Fortunately she only needs to be watched 3 days a month max. But it still doesn't make it any easier. My mom said she would watch Austyn during January so I didn't have to worry about leaving her and going to a brand new job. Which would be super sucky. Hopefully things will work out for the best, like they usually do. I just don't think I've ever had  to make such a hard decision. Jordan has been pretty good through all of this. He just says to do whatever makes me most comfortable and happy (besides not going back to work). It's like he was reading my mind or something. Ha Ha.

  Jordan gets to be off work for 2 weeks over Christmas. Austyn and I are so excited to have him home. Jordan's recent adventure was trading (FYI: trading in boy language doesn't mean straight across. It means getting rid of something you don't like and paying whatever the difference is for something you do) our Honda Accord for a Toyota pick-up. He is so much happier driving a truck instead of a car. Whatever makes him happy right? :)

  Austyn is doing amazing. It seems like everyday she is growing, conquering another skill, and getting easier by the minute. She just had her shots and did great with them. It was so sad when she got them, but all babies need their vaccinations. She just slept for the two days afterwards. She weighs 12 pounds 12.5 ounces right now. Quite a little chunk. She is sleeping anywhere from 7-11 hours. Can't complain about that one bit. I've been trying to make it my goal to keep up on the pictures. And I've been doing fair. Time is just a slipper thing. Can't believe we're working on 4 months already.

  I have taken a position at a plastic surgery center (I wonder about employee discounts, baby's seem to make everything droopy). It's most Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Which I'm trying to talk myself into will be a nice break from Austyn. I'm not sure how convincing I'm being, but we'll roll with it for now. I think I will be starting in the next few weeks. Believe it or not I'm kind of excited about it. Or maybe that's anxiety that I'm not recognizing. Who knows. I had an MRI and found that I had a herniated disc. So I am getting a steroid injection and doing physical therapy. I'm suppose to see if that will fix it, and if not I will have surgery. Only time will tell. And as for my heart defect. I have to go up to OHSU to see a specialist and go from there. My doctor here wasn't comfortable enough and didn't know enough about it to treat me. He thinks I'll most likely have to get the hole patched up. We'll see on the 28th. I'll be happy when all this crap gets fixed and over with. What a drag.

  Gosh, hope this blog doesn't bum anyone out. I just read over it and there's a lot of complaining in there. Sorry. Maybe I should have written this on a different day! On a positive note, KODA is doing great after her third surgery to get the stick out of her throat. It was successful. They got a piece of stick the size of the end of my thumb. It was narly looking. She feels so much better and is doing great. And best of all, NO CHARGE!!!! A little persuading on my part and no bill. It would have been $650.00. So if anyone needs a vet, Veneta Vet is your place.

  I've been enjoying the holiday season so far. Can't wait for Christmas! Hope everyone is enjoying it as well. And have a wonderful Christmas and New Years!! P.S. still looking for hand me downs if anyone know of anyone. Thanks.

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