Monday, August 19, 2013

We're still alive . . .

  Wow, it's been awhile. My apologizes to my dedicated followers (we didn't have internet for 3 weeks). Since my last post in July we have moved into the house, had a bridal shower, had a wedding, and had our first house guests. I seriously thought we were going to slow down once we moved in. Not the case at all. I'm beginning to think we are incapable of slowing down or relaxing for any length of time.

  The house is amazing. It is everything we have been imagining and more. Every time I come down the driveway it still hasn't sunk in that it's our new house. I hope that feeling never goes away, and I can be in love with our new house forever. Some of my favorite things about the house is the shower, pantry, and our new (to us) filing cabinet. And of course all the extra space. I have to pat myself on the back for being a creative and organized packer in the old house. Almost all our cupboards and drawers are full. I don't know how I fit everything we have into the little amount of space we had and still was able to function. We still have a lot on our to do lists for the house, but we are both really excited to start on the projects one by one. We are for the most part settled in (to the house portion) and have gotten into a flow with the new house. It takes awhile to learn light switches (I still just flip everyone until I get the one I want), what drawer works good for certain things, etc. We haven't ran across anything that we are unhappy with so far. I'm really looking forward to watching the seasons change out our beautiful windows throughout the year. And we can get one giant Christmas tree this year!!
These pictures were about 3 weeks ago. It's amazing
how much Quade has changed in that amount of time.

Three weeks ago


Our amazing kitchen. Notice the light fixture over
the table. My brother and sister-in-law made
this for us. It's great. Matches everything perfectly. 

Here is our shower. We get mixed opinions
on it. Mostly are dislike. But we love it, and 
that's all that counts.

The floor is a pebble river rock style

Austyn's room

Quade's room


This is in our front field/yard. We get visitors every now 
and again from the neighbor cows. I liked the look of
our yard with cattle so I took a picture:) Austyn gets so 
excited when the cows get out on our property.

  The kiddos are wonderful. Growing like weeds (beautiful weeds). Austyn had two weeks of swim lessons and two weeks of summer camp this summer. Very busy! She did ok in both and I think I can say she enjoyed them mostly. We have decided to put her in preschool this year. She has a tendency to not socialize with other kids. So we thought that it would be good for her to be in that environment and have the direction from someone besides us. We're putting her in Territorial Preschool which is right up the road from us. It's started, morning routines for school. I think I'm most excited about getting her a backpack and school supplies! That was my favorite part of school (until we got to school and had to share all of them). She still is the funniest two almost three year old I've come across. She blows my mind sometimes. We have become quite the buddies lately. Something I'm hoping will stick for the rest of our lives.
  Quade is getting so big now. He is a little over 6 months and is sitting up and eating food now. He is starting to roll and rock a little bit. He has started putting two syllables together. Super cute!! Still so sweet and happy. I'm hoping he will be a crawler. Austyn didn't do too much crawling and I think it's so adorable. His hair has gotten so thick lately. I can spike a mohawk now. He has become an even bigger Mama's boy. I love it!! This boy loves food. The only time he throws a fit is if I'm eating something and not sharing it with him. Especially ice cream. Yes, he has joined Austyn and I on the ice cream wagon.
  I'm still feeling so blessed with the world's easiest baby. I'm not quite sure how we pulled off getting two amazing kids. I don't know where these thoughts come from, but they just pop up out of the blue. I've been thinking how fortunate we are and all our friends and family to have such healthy kids. I know so many people with kids and that are pregnant and each one is healthy. There are so many diseases out there and disorders that I think we all forget how fortunate we are to have these wonderful healthy children. It would be so hard to deal with a life long health problem.

  Jordan is doing great. I think a huge load is off his shoulders with the house being done and his promotion stuff being over. I can tell he has relaxed a bit. He still has a list a mile long for things around the house though. But that's Jordan! He broke down and finally got some glasses. Poor guy could barely see out of his left eye. Now he is a new man. He told me to just call him Clark Kent! He looks pretty handsome in his spectacles.

  Things with me are the same. Chasing two kids and running after Jordan. It's my crazy wonderful life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel so fortunate to be able to stay at home and have the time I do with the kids and Jordan. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. My back got a little bent out of shape from moving and Quade getting SO HEAVY! It's slowly healing. I had to make a homemade sling to just carry Quade around normally. He is so big, it's ridiculous. It looks a little thrown together, but I literally can't even carry him on my hip for more than 20 minutes and he's too big for the front pack now. It's so funny how things change with the second kid. I would have never thought to do that with Austyn. But I am so much more laid back with Quade than I was with Austyn. I have slowed down (or stopped completely ) with working out. I'm 5 pounds away from my goal weight, which I'm pretty happy with. I know if I would just start back up I'd get there in no time.

  We are looking forward to our annual Crap Trip with Jordan's fire department over Labor Day. It is always super fun for everyone. I'm sitting here thinking what else we have coming up and have decided we are pretty much booked up for the rest of the year. BBQ next weekend, camping Labor Day, Austyn's Birthday Party two weeks after that, then the corn maze starts (every weekend from mid September to November and most of Jordan's days off during the week) which ends in November, Elk hunting for a week, Holidays, and whola the end of the year. I predict nothing but the same for us in 2014 :)

  Hope everyone is doing wonderful. And I will try to not let so much time go by before my next post.


  1. I am one of your loyal followers!!~ I really like this one but I had to comment to say that you are apparently planning an annual "crap" trip for next weekend (:
    -Kati Sue

  2. Ha Ha :) oops. I meant Crab trip, which we would love for you guys to come with us.
