I made Austyn's Halloween costume this year and it turned out amazing. Best costume I saw out this year! But in the process of making it our house has been coated with a heavy dusting of glitter. It's everywhere. It's going to take months to get rid of it all. And my car now is also very sparkly :) Oh, the days of glitter. Austyn has so many shirts with glitter on them too. I'm just getting used to looking at a sparkly floor. I know I will miss this sparkly stage, but I guess she needs to wear something that matches her disposition. I was going to make Quades costume too, but ran across one at the store that was about the same as I could have made it for. So I took the easy way out. He looked absolutely adorable. This was the best Halloween ever. The kids are so cute at this age and so excited about everything. I love it.
Austyn was a scarecrow
Quade was a gnome
We made it through Lone Pine and now for a week of Elk Hunting. I'm so use to Jordan being gone that I honestly wasn't dreading him leaving at all. Not to sound cold or mean or anything. It's just such a norm anymore that he's gone, that 5 or 6 days wont be too bad. Of course we already miss him, but I'm glad to be able to start hanging out with my Mom again. Austyn can't wait to be able to spend the night with her. She's been patiently waiting for months and months. We still have nothing planned after Jordan gets back from his hunting trip. So we might actually get to slow down a bit. I'm really excited about that.
Our house is officially cleared of disease. My hands are totally back to normal. That was one long stent of sickness :( Very miserable. So hopefully the readings are true and we won't get Hand, Foot, Mouth, and Butt again! I have to hand it to my kids for being the biggest troopers ever. Being drug around all month long making daily trips to Lone Pine (sometimes multiple trips a day), while being sick sometimes, and tired other times. They never complained once. It helps that they love going there and love everyone there too. While being out in the public more than I usually am I have come to appreciate my kids even more than I did before. Austyn has the best manners for her age. And is so friendly and smiley to everyone. Even strangers (as long as I'm close). She talks to adults clearly and looks them in the eye when she does. And she minds so well for her age. She minds me so much better when we are away from home, so that helps out a lot. And Quade is just an angle baby. The only time he fusses is when he hungry, tired, or poopy (or if anyone besides me does anything with him or even makes him think they might. MOTHER!!!) And I usually don't let any of that happen so he is so easy. Unless we are getting family pictures, then he will decide to be a fuss bucket that day only :( I'm pretty sure I've never seen him be that cranky. What are the odds. He is the sweetest baby, I'm trying so hard to enjoy every stage he's at and not ever want him to go on to the next stage. I know it's my last and I don't want to rush through it like we did with Austyn. It was just so exciting with her, because we wanted the next stage to come and see what that brought with it. The second kid is sooooo different. I love my kids so much. I was thinking today as I was rocking Quade to sleep, that the love you have for your son is so different than the love you have for your daughter. And maybe it has something to do with the last baby thing too. But Austyn is like my sister/best friend. We are total buddies. I miss her so much when I go to town without her (which is practically never), I'm lonely without her. And I just feel like Quade is a part of me. We are just connected in a really deep way. We know each other so well, that we work great together. The amount I love both of them is them is the same, but it's just a different type/way. I didn't believe people when they told me that, but I guess it is true. My kids definitely complete me.

Quade finally learned to love the jumper.
Here is Ausytn a month younger than Quade is.
Austyn and Quade at the same age
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