So a quick explanation of the picture of Jordan with three kids and everyone is crying. Everyone went to the river, but Jackie, Luke, Quade, and I. We stayed back to give the little boys a nap. I guess the kids all jumped in and got swept down the little rapids/waterfall. So Jordan jumped in after them and the rest of the Dad's came a drug them out one by one. No one got hurt, but it was a bit scary from the sounds of it. Good thing they all had lifejackets on.
We also were able to go to the St. Paul rodeo this year. It was awesome. My mom kept Quade and we took Austyn. (I think I had more fun just hanging out with her by herself than any part of the rodeo) I loved the atmosphere of everything. Everyone was there for the rodeo, not just to get drunk and rowdy like in Eugene. They had a few different events that were fun too. And it was my first time seeing a round arena at a rodeo. We will definitely be going back.
Austyn has gotten a crazy girl streak in her lately. She rides her quad like she's been doing it for years. She is so good it's scary. My mom was riding with her the other day and Austyn was scaring her with the trails she was taking and how fast she was going. It made my heart happy:) And she is so brave with Chocolate Chip lately. I'm so so so lucky to have found a pony like her. You couldn't ask for a better first horse. Last time we rode quads Austyn just kept riding and riding. I finally had to reason with her that it was now 9 o'clock and time for a bath. I loved it, but sometimes I gotta switch back to the mommy role. Austyn has already started whinning about going back to school. I have been secretly whinning as well. I'm trying to talk it up, but I'm not sure I'm too convincing when inside I don't want her to go either. We have been camping out in the back yard in our tent for the last week or so. I leave Quade in the house and take the monitor out with us and we get to wish on the stars and see shooting stars and best of all snuggle. She digs it. A good friend said that "I'm going to soak it all up now, because they won't think I'm cool forever." And I totally agree. I know she won't always want me to "snuggle buggle" with her, help pick her clothes out, help me do everything, or even just rock her when she doesn't feel good ( maybe not this one, because there have been times that I still want to sit on my moms lap).
Quade is such a boy it's unbelievable. Everything lately is a gun. His fork, his finger, any kind of stick. Boom, boom! Boom, boom! ALL DAY LONG! He climbs up everything, finds any kind of dirt or mud, and just loves to tease everyone. Especially his sister! His fits have started getting so much better and he can understand everything we say to him. He talks so good anymore, it amazing. He is still lovey, and will give most people kisses. He has started teething again. He's getting the upper eye teeth. And then we only have the bottom ones left. He is doing better than last time, so it's not as draining on me this time. I finally got Quade down to one nap a day!!!! This probably sounds backwards from most parents, but that two naps a day was crimping our summer time play time. So Austyn and him now nap one time a day at the same time. I'm loving it.
Jordan is still paying back trades he took from people for camping trips and hay season. And there is inevitably some sort of project in line for any spare moment he has. Right now he is working on the irrigation for the goat pen. We have to run irrigation this year to keep my grandmas water rights so we are putting it on in the goat pen to hopefully give them some more feed out there. And then he is getting ready for Austyns new play house that she is getting, then mowing and spraying and doing wood, etc. Gotta love country living. I know he loves it, but I'm sure he would probably like to get caught up too. Is there such a thing?
And as for me, nothing is new. Trying to enjoy the kids as much as possible in every moment they have. I am truely blessed to have the best little family in the world.
I just took the kids summer pictures and they turned out so good. I think I finally have some good enough ones to hang on the walls!
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