Sunday, February 15, 2015

Birthday Boy Blog ...

  So I definitely feel like I owe Quade a great and positive blog. Especially since the last couple haven't been quite in his favor. On Feburary 13th my little man turned 2. We decided to go to the beach since he loves playing in the sand. It was a beautiful day and he got to run around naked and burn some energy. Being naked and playing in the sand, everything he loves. The only thing that could have made it any better is if he was naked and riding his quad on the sand. We finished his Birthday off with dinner at Outback. We had a great day. 
  Quade is quite the amazing little man. His communication skills are outstanding for his age. Everyone always says boys are a lot slower in that department. But I can say he is ahead of the game. I love listening to his version of things. He is so entertaining. He sings and just has a spark to his conversations. I love listening to him(unless he's throwing a fit, then I don't enjoy it). He is into doing everything by himself. He is constantly saying "do do" "me do do". Which means he wants to do it himself. He loves riding or driving anything, and if it doesn't move he pretends it does. He has just started to drive the quad by himself (with us on it with him of course). He thinks it's so funny to go as fast as he can. He laughs hysterically the whole time, and screams "watch out to whoever is in his way". I can only imagine what he's going to be like in a couple years on the quads. He even does the back up horn sound when I am backing up my car. It's still so interesting to me how different boys and girls are. Quade has so much energy! He loves to run, jump off things, climb on stuff, pretend to shoot bears (or anything), he has a special power for finding mud puddles, and he is a professional at getting dirty. He is also so rough with everything. He doesn't try to break things, but he just plays rough. Even when I wrestle with him. He is amazingly strong. I love watching him be a boy. My favorite thing lately is seeing him in his super hero undies laying on his tummy playing with his trucks. My heart melts every time I see that. It just screams little boy to me. Another one of my favorite things about Quade is that he is a snuggler. Austyn never has been into snuggling, so I cherish it with Quade. Pretty much anytime of day he is willing to let me rock him and sing to him. Quade has put me through more tough days (to say the least) in his short little life, than Austyn has her entire 4 years. But the one thing I appreciate most is that he's made me a better person and especially a better mothe (Jordan might beg to differ on that opinion). He has taught me patients, problem solving, understanding, forgiveness, I've become more laid back since I've had him. All positive things! They may have been learned in desperate situations, but I'm trying to look on the bright side of things (another thing he's taught me). I know one day I will look back on this time and laugh at myself. And one day I will laugh at Quade when he has a boy just like himself. That is after I help him through it just like my mom does for me. He is doing perfectly with his potty training. He is getting really really good about telling us he needs to go. He is dry every nap and bedtime and he goes poop with no problem. Quades next milestone is to move into a big bed. I don't anticipate the move from crib to bed being any problem. He has always been perfect about going to sleep and staying asleep. I think he's woke up once or twice (at the most) in the middle of the night since he was 6 weeks old. We will see (knock on wood). I look forward to seeing him put his personality to use as he grows up. His strong-will will take him far, and if put to good use, keep him out of trouble later on. Yikes! I would love for him to follow in Jordan's footsteps with his career and determination (amoung many other things of course). And I hope and pray Austyn and him continue to get along and have an amazing relationship. Quade can still be quite onery to her, but that just comes with the territory I guess. 
  This may have been one of the hardest blogs for me to write. Especially with how Quade has been acting lately. I've been working on it for a week😉 He is an amazing little man, that's for sure. One of a kind. I love you little man. 

Just a few moments in time from this last year. 

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