One final post of the summer :( I'm so sad. It went buy so fast. Even though we had a 5 month summer. But I do believe we've enjoyed every second of it. We were able to go to the coast to ride quads one day. It was so beautiful. The kids are getting so good on their quads. It makes my heart so happy to see them doing something that I grew up doing. It was such a big part of my childhood. And now they are enjoying it too. That's how life's suppose to work, I think!?
The kids danced in the Scandinavian festival again this year. Austyn got to move up to the next age group, which she was stoaked about. They both did excellent and looked adorable in their outfits as usual.
This summer we (the kids) did more swimming than they ever have before. Between swim lessons and the river we were probably in the water everyday and sometimes two or three times a day. Jordan built them a dock with a slide down by our house. They love it.
Our favorite camping trip finally came. The Crab trip with the fire department. We stayed a whole week this year and could have stayed another if we had the chance. The kids are getting old enough that they just run around and play with everyone all day long. It's such a big area they think they are running freely, but little do they know, they're not. There's a mothers eye, or two, or three, on them at ALL times. But we won't spoil their fun.
We took the kids crabbing off the dock the second day there.
This is about half the kids.
The kids got to go crabbing on the boat again this year. They absolute love it. They helped measure all the crabs.
He played so hard. He was exhausted.
This is the potluck we have on Saturday every year.
360 crab were caught. That $7000 worth. My mind was blown.
We also were able to finally go fishing a couple times at the river. The first time we caught over 20 catfish. It was so much fun. Just how I remembered it as a kid. The kids were lined up behind the adults waiting to get a new worm, take a fish off the hook, or needing another cast out into the river. We couldn't keep up with the kids. Every time they would cast out they would instantly get a fish on. We didn't even have time to build a fire or get lanterns. The second time we were more prepared. We got everyone situated and had a couple more adults to help with the kids. We use to do this when I was young and now I'm doing it with my kids. Hopefully they will remember it like I did and want to continue it on with their kids. We are so fortunate!!!!
Summer cat fishing on the Long Tom
My parents took the kids and I on a spur of the moment trip to the aquarium. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We were in t-shirts and flip flops on the beach after enjoying the aquarium. The kids would take playing on the beach over any other activity if they had a choice (which usually they do). I can't blame them one bit!
Jordan's moms drill team was competing at the state fair and we were able to go cheer them on. I always love watching them. It amazes me that they are at a full run and maneuvering so effortlessly. They won!! We took the kids to the carnival side after the competition to ride the rides and to Jordan and I's dismay, the rides were astronomically expensive. And poor little Quade (not often do I say that), was to small for the majority of the rides. What a rip off. I remember riding all the rides for hours as a kid at fairs with all my cousins. It's not like that anymore. It is literally cheaper to go to Disneyland for a day than to spend the day at the carnival.
Austyn has her first day of school tomorrow. She is super excited and a little nervous she says. She can't wait to eat lunch at school and have recess and this new thing called P.E. I had to laugh that she didn't know what that was. She has chosen to go camping for her Birthday instead of having a big party. My kind of girl!! So we are ALL super pumped about that. We're going to Loon Lake. I haven't been there since I was her age. It will be our last camping trip of the year. Although I think I already said that once about our last trip. She is continuing on with riding horses occasionally. Her confidence level is rising and her skill level is getting back up there as well. Baby steps and just letting her do it on her own time has help immensely. She didn't want to play soccer this Fall. It's too much running she said. Gotta love her. So we might do swim lessons at some point this winter.
Quade is determined he is going to school like Sissy. Even though he knows he's not, he still tells everyone he is. He has become a professional bike rider in a very short amount of time with no training wheels. He is pretty amazing in all he does. His imagination is wild. He still has him imaginary friends, Judy, Big Bear, and Runner. He is the complete opposite of Austyn it's amazing. I could watch him all day long and be entertained. He will be participating in Tiny Tigers soccer in the Fall. And he is very excited for it. He's tired of waiting to be a big kid and is finally getting to do some of the things he's watched Austyn do.
Jordan has enjoyed a break from studying in his ODP program, but is going to start back up shortly. He has been trying to squeeze every little project, trip, helping others, and time with us as he can before he has to start spending every moment studying. This is the first summer I can remember that he has been home so much. LOVING IT!!!! He's always looking on Craig's List for some sort of truck part and he found one in Reno. So he and I randomly took a spur of the moment trip to Reno to pick up a truck cab. We left at 8:30 pm and got back the next night at 7:30 pm. We drove all night and slept in the truck for about an hour and a half. Got up, picked up the part, and headed back home. I'm too old for those kinds of shinanagins.
As school drew nearer I began to get a bigger and bigger pit in my stomach. I'm going to miss my little buddy so much while she's at school. Sometimes I get teary eyed just talking about it. I love being with my kids. I love taking them to the grocery store, where if we're good we get a doughnut (please Lord let the kids be good so I can get a doughnut!), running errands, they help me clean the house, they're just my little buddies that I do everything with. I thank God every day for giving me such great kids. But I do know it's good for them to be away from me too. It's just hard sometimes thinking about them being out in this big bad world. I know she's only in Kindergarten but it will only be a blink and she'll be in college. I hope she holds family and the values were teaching her as highly as we do.
Family picture
Papa and Quade doing what he loves best. Guns and quads.
Let's see, next comes Austyn's Birthday, then soccer, and just more school functions and the Holidays. It's my favorite time of year!!! The kids decided to not let me make their costumes this year for Halloween. I was crushed. But I keep telling myself it's less work and a lot cheaper to buy their costumes. They are going to be Batman and Batgirl. I'm sure I'll do some bedazzling, I just can't help myself. Oh, I almost forgot, our Anniversary. 8 big ones this year! Looking forward to getting into a routine with the new school year and enjoying helping in her class and watching her learn. Hope all is well with everyone. Happy Fall y'all!