My big girl turned 6 years old this month. She couldn't be happier to grow up and do big kid stuff. Me on the other hand am in pure amazement at how fast those 6 years went. Austyn has begun all day Kindergarten at Territorial Elementary School out here by us. She is loving the recesses, lunch at school, P.E. and music classes. All the things she's seen the big kids get to do for a few years now. There are a lot of incentives for good behavior in her school and she really prides herself for her accomplishments and rewards in that area. I can't begin to explain how proud I am of her kindness and honesty to all. Her manners are impeccable and no matter what she will always tell the truth. I love her happy glowing face and the excitement she has when I pick her up from school. She is so innocent and pure. And I just hope she can stay that way as long as she can. And I also admire her ability to talk to adults. She looks them in the eye and speaks right to them. Very sure of herself and brave. Besides school she has continued to lose teeth. She lost three so far and now she has three more to come out at any moment. She excelled in swim lessons this summer. And really worked hard to move to higher classes. She wants to continue to do swim lessons in the winter instead of soccer. She recently has became interested in the horse thing again. This time all on her own. I decided to back off and let her make the choice if that's something she really likes or not. We've riden a few times now and she has just about gotten back to her comfort level and riding ability as she had when we owned Chocolate Chip. Which naturally makes my heart happy. She enjoyed this summer just about as much as I did. We camped in the tent I the backyard, which is always a favorite. We went on lots of week long camping trips, fished, BBQd, watched the stars from the trampoline, rode little quads, went to the lake, parks, picnicked, walks, and the list went on and on. She definitely got to be a country kid all summer long. Austyn has found that crafts and baking is her favorite things to occupy her time. She is absolutely amazing at baking. She can do everything but the in and out of the oven all by herself. And she does so good at artsy craft stuff. I just love watching her sit and create her masterpieces that she is so proud of. She continues to add the sweetness to our family and is such a good role model for Quade and the rest of us. She thinks that she wants to be a "hair doer" when she grows up. I love to hear her future plans and how she sees the world from her 6 year old perspective. I hope to have the best and closest relationship with her as she grows up. And I hope she will learn me see how valuable family is. And maybe one day want to live right next to us.

First Day of School
Aquarium fun
Swim lessons
She chose to go camping for her Birthday this year. We went to Loon Lake. So we tried to do the usual decorations and Birthday fun as we usually do while camping. It was so fun and different.
Birthday breakfast
Piñata time
Her Brand new bike!!!
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