Well folks, we DID it! We have managed to make it to 4 years old with Quade. Quade is the most amazing kid I’ve ever been around. He seems so much older than a 4 year old. His conversational skills are incredible and I just get such a kick out of listening to him tell his stories. I hope he always keeps his imagination and outgoingness. He also is quite the comdedian. He has this crazy sense of humor that is way beyond his 4 little years. He has a way of making me laugh when he’s in trouble which in turn gets him out of (a little bit) trouble. I can happily report that he no longer stores his food in his cheeks. He hasn’t been doing this for almost a year, but this is a very big accomplishment for him! He still is ALL BOY! He is absolutly amazing at riding his quad. He loves his little hunting trips with Jordan. And he really is proud of himself for helping Mommy and Sissy when Daddy is at work. He always says that Daddy left him in charge and he is a big boy and needs to help Mommy with whatever she needs. This year when I’ve subbed at the preschool I am able to take him with me. He is so ready for preschool in September. And he really wants to just skip the whole preschool thing and go right into Kindergarten. I usually make copies of Austyns homework so he can foloow along with us at homework time. He does amazing. He usually finishes before she does. But their throttles are set at different levels too. He still has quite the temper. But he knows how to control himself and he can usually work his way through a fit all by himself. Im just in aww sometimes about the amount of control he has. He puts himself in a time out and when he has calmed down enough to think clearly he comes out and says whatever peace he needs to say and then goes on with his business. I’m thinking that he has had so much practice with time outs and discipline that he really is a pro at it. HA HA! One thing that I absolutly love about Quade is that he is so outgoing and polite. He will talk to anyone and use the best manners while doing it. I love taking him to stores he just talks to everyone all the way through the store. It’s adorable.
He has asked for tools for his birthday so he can help Jordan work on things in the shop. And the other request was another Mimication (Driftwood Shores in Florence)! He absolutly loves this place, as do I. We request the room closest to the pool which also is like a 30 second walk right out the patio door of our room to the beach. The set up couldn't be better. We’ve spent about a month explaining to him that if he chooses Mimication then there wont be a party with his buddies. He is admit that this is what he wants to do. So that is what we will be doing.
I’m so excited to see where life takes Quade. He has the potential to do anything. My hopes and dreams for him is to follow in Jordans footsteps in every way. And I truely believe he can do just that and more. I love you Quade. Thank you for always putting such an interesting spin on our little life.