I found the first belly picture that we took. It was in April sometime around Jordan's birthday, so that would be like 18 weeks or so. I thought I'd compare a then picture and a now picture. Just to see if I've grown very much!!! Ha ha.
Quite a difference!!
We had our doctors appointment today as well. Nothing really changed from last time. She's dropped and ready to go anytime. Her heart and movements are perfect too. Our doctor predicted next Friday (one week early). That works for us!!!!! I think Jordan has that day off, so it would be perfect. Jordan predicted Saturday. So we will see who's right. Only time will tell.
We just finished painting the shutters and the skirting on our house. It looks so much better. You don't realize how faded things get when you look at them everyday. It is so fresh and clean now. And I think that completes our summer projects. Just in time. Now all we have to do is wait for the windows to be put in. Hopefully they will be finished before the baby comes. I'm excited to see the difference they make this winter.
Well everything is squared away and washed and ready for this baby to come. Now all we have to do is wait. Two weeks of waiting, knowing it could be anytime. What torture!! This is worse than the night before Christmas. Can't wait to show her to everyone. Well wish us luck and a fast labor and delivery! Next post, baby pictures!!!!!
Ah, you are so adorable, I love this picture and am SO excited for you two!! I have a feeling she's going to arrive on your guys' anniversary, but I'm sure you're probably hoping for sooner. I'm thinking about you and hoping for a happy, healthy, speedy and peaceful labor and delivery.