It was last Friday morning at about 6:30 a.m. when Jordan's alarm went off for work. I got up to go to the bathroom and started having some cramps. I knew instantly that this was the day. But not having gone through labor before I started to get skeptical as the day went on. This is funny because as the day went on, my cramps got worse and closer together. At about 10:00 a.m. I called the doctor to ask some questions and was told to just keep monitoring the contractions. At about 12:00 p.m. I started to have to change my breathing during each contraction. 2:00 p.m. rolls around and I call the doctor again wanting to go in and make sure it's real labor before I have Jordan take off work. They tell me to wait another hour then go to the hospital. So I called my mom and she came and took me in. I'm thinking this whole time "I'm just having gas pains, this can't be what labor is like. This is nothing like the movies." So when we get to the hospital (which was the longest ride to the hospital ever, by the way) they check me and I was still at 1cm. Same as the last two weeks. When Jordan gets to the hospital they want me walk around for about an hour and a half. We only make like 45 minutes and then I was so sick I was throwing up. By now I was almost at 3cm and they took me back and put me in my own room. They said it was pretty unusual for a first time mom to be having such hard and fast contractions. Shortly after I received my epidural and after that everything was a piece of cake. My doctor broke my water and then after an hour or so we started pushing. I was laughing through pushes because with the epidural it felt like I wasn't doing anything. But the doctor assured me it was doing a lot. So after about an hour and a half of pushing Jordan delivered our perfect baby girl. When he set her on my chest I couldn't believe how big she was and how warm she was. I wish I could have gotten a picture of Jordan's face when he was delivering her. He was the proudest dad in the world. Everything went great and very fast. The only complaint I have of the whole experience is the food at the hospital and the uncomfortable beds. Much better than what I had been expecting.
We had a ton of visitors coming to see Austyn for the first time. We came home on Sunday afternoon and have been doing great ever since. I feed her about every 2 or 3 hours, which is also going better than expected. She is such a great baby, Jordan and I are so blessed. Everything is just perfect (knock on wood!) I hope she stays that way. It's funny to me how natural things come when you become a parent. I never thought I could love something so much. I love watching Jordan, he is so great with her.
Here are a few pictures of her, enjoy:
This is when they put ointment in her eyes
Daddy admiring his little girl
Everyone anxiously awaiting Austyn's arrival
They're first picture
Our first picture

Beautiful baby girl can't wait to see her in person. Been thinking of all of you alot. So glad to finally see her. Love Aunt Ronda
ReplyDeleteOh Jolene, she is PERFECT! What a little angel. I'm so glad to hear everything went great, and so far so good. I wish I was there so much, I just want to hold her!! I see a lot of you, but also some things that remind me of Cole and Kate too, the Petersen coming through. Hope you recover quickly and keep taking lots of pictures! Love you guys!