She has become such a little person these days. She's witty and very bright. If you're planning on teasing her, expect to get it back even heavier. She has the best memory, especially if we are driving somewhere. She usually knows where we are and how to get back home. It's pretty impressive. She is also very very observant. She will notice the smallest changes that Jordan won't notice for days. Probably a girl thing. And I know Quade doesn't recognize it, but she is the best big sister ever. She is helpful, and loves to teach him and show him things. She doesn't mind him tagging along and constantly wanting to do what "sissy" does. She never fights with him even when he eggs it on and deserves it. She is very kind and giving. She loves giving things to people. Even if it's her own stuff. I know I've talked about it before but she has become quite the quad and horse rider. She rides quads that are way to big and powerful for her and zips right around on the them. And she rides her pony all by herself. She does circles, can stop, and can rein her wherever she wants her to go. I'm so proud of her. I just need to add a few more things to our lessons now. I love how she wants to do everything by herself these days. Get dresses, tie her shoes, brush her teeth, etc. And she loves to help anyone do anything. What a great little helper.
Austyn has a great disposition. She has a very even temper (not sure where she got that trait). Has NEVER thrown fits. She follows the rules and knows her boundries and doesn't need reminded to use manners. Very very very friendly to strangers. Between both kids it takes an extra long time to get through any store because they think they have to talk to everyone we pass. It's so cute. She is always happy and smiley. It's unusual to see her in a grumpy mood. And it probably is because she has missed too many naps. Yes, she still naps! For 2 hours even. She can easily go without a nap these days but will ask to take one if we've skipped a nap for two or three days. I'm soooooo lucky!!!! She has been the easiest kid in the world. She never did the terrible twos or threes thing. And rarely is there a stage that isn't pleasant with her. Austyn is playing soccer right now and is enjoying it. And she's really excited for T-ball this spring.
It's hard to think of anything undesirable about Austyn. Her general age related issues are about it. A little bit of arguing, and some drama here and there, and already the hormonal emotions. But nothing unmanageable. The drama and emotional issues will be something I should get used to I guess. Those middle school years are going to be doozies.
I'm so blessed to be able to be her mom. I hope and pray we will be best friends forever. I'm trying to build up a relationship with her now, so when she gets older and it's harder to tell me things she will still want to and feel comfortable doing so. I think it's important for a girl to have that kind of relationship with their mom. I really hope we do. And as always I'm hoping she will have what I have. Where she lives close to us and can raise her kids close to us too. I think the one thing I wish I could do more with her is spend time with just her and I. Just like going to McDonalds or shopping. Just an hour or two here and there. But it's hard with the little man cub running around.
We had her birthday party at Lone Pine agian. She had a blast. I her actual birthday we had a play date with friends, and had her first soccer practice, then got to go to Abby's for dinner. Jordan had to work, which was a bummer. But Austyn had a great Birthday.
My Dad brought the boom truck home one day and gave the kids rides. They loved it!
This picture was on her first day of preschool last year, then the first day this year. Think she's grown any?
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