We were able to take Austyn through the Mountain Trail Course at the Oregon Horse Center. Her cousin Kate got to ride in it too. Austyn did so good I was just blown away. She went over a bunch of different bridges, rock piles, over logs, up on table tops, in ditches, through water, and on a teeter totter. She rode through the course for an hour and a half. Chocolate Chip is the best pony ever.
Thanks to Lisa for thinking of the girls and getting everything ready and put together for them. Austyn has started to trot a bit at home on Chocolate Chip. She's getting better, still a bit reluctant. I've been putting fly masks on the fence and having her walk up to them and grab them and put them over the saddle horn. Then put them back on the fence. It's really been working good for her. And she is really learning like crazy in school this year. I'm impressed at how she can recognize her letter and numbers. And she knows the sounds they make. I love that little girl. She had her first dentist appointment the other day. She had been complaining about a tooth hurting her. So it turns out she has the most sever cross bite the dentist has ever seen at her age. It will take extensive orthodontics to correct the problem. If she continues to be in pain we will fix it now, but he would like to wait for her permanent teeth to start coming in at 6ish. Poor girl.
Jordan renamed Quade. His new name is LB (little bastard). That kid is just determined and very head strong. You really have to think ahead and distract the hell out of him if you need him to do anything. Or stop something he is doing. Redirection and distraction is so exhausting. He is a complete fit thrower😒 and nothing will end a fit. I'm at the point where I literally forget why he is STILL throwing a fit. That's how long his fits last. Yay us! But we love him and I'm telling myself this stage will end and we will move onto something else. BUT WHEN??????
Quadehelping me blow leaves

Jordan built the kids the most adorable swing set off their playhouse. He used old firehose. They are so perfect.
He is now onto building a goat barn. We are breeding the goats now and will be kidding in spring! Should be fun. We're hoping for twins from all of them. After the goat barn he is going to work on a slide on the other side of the playhouse. I'm glad he is so creative.
We finally got a mediation meeting with the CCB for the damage to our trim after we had our flooring fixed. We've been fighting this since March. Needless to say it's great to have the walls fixed and to be able to use the bathroom in the garage again. It pays to be the squeaky wheel sometimes. We still need to replace some trim, and fix a transition piece in the floor, but that can wait for a little bit longer.
I'm so excited for this Halloween. The kids are going to be Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. I made Austyns costume again and then altered one for Quade. They will be so cute.
That's about it for us lately. After corn maze Jordan is off elk hunting for a week. Then the Holidays start!!!!!!! Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Fall weather.
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