Sunday, May 15, 2011

A quick update . . .

  For the last month we haven't been doing too much. I just thought I should do a quick update for everyone that has been asking for one. Easter was probably our biggest happening. We had two big family dinners we attended. Each on a different day which was very nice not having to split the day up. It was fun dressing Austyn up in cute little dresses too. Next year will be even better when she can actually hunt eggs. Austyn is already 8 months old. She is still trying like crazy to crawl. She is getting so much better at scooting along and rolling everywhere she wants to go. She is doing really well on any kind of baby food. She got eczema really bad a few weeks ago which I thought was a random food related rash. But once we got that cleared up she's been good to go. The bad part is that we had to switch her soap and lotion and now she doesn't smell like a little baby anymore : ( I miss that smell. We haven't been to the doctor for awhile so I'm not certain on her weight but I would guess she's weighing close or over 19 pounds. She still only has the bottom two teeth. I keep waiting for the top ones to pop through (wouldn't it be nice if it were that easy). I was thinking back and it's been two months since her first tooth came. I thought they would come a lot closer together. I guess it's better this way, so I can forget how fussy she was when they do come. 

  Same old story with Jordan and I. Jordan is still study, study, study for his engineers tests and doing great. And I am still doing fine with work and my back. I have to say it will be nice when the day comes that I don't have to report on my back anymore. For the most part it's good, but once and awhile I feel good enough that it's not on my mind 24-7 and do something I shouldn't, and I end up paying for it for a few weeks. I thought by now it would be over and done with. But soon I hope! Jordan and I are looking forward to a few coast trips and camping trips coming up soon. And I'm trying to get into some sort of shape for summer (less clothes to hide the mommy belly, legs, and arms). Only 8 more pounds to go. I CAN DO IT!!! I had the best first Mother's Day. Jordan and Ausytn made me a card. It is the best ever and just when I thought things couldn't get any better, I was surprised with a day at the spa. I can't wait to use it. Jordan got the garden tilled up and the bails laid out and ready. I have all the seeds and plants and I'm just waiting a little longer to plant for some warmer weather.

  Here are a few pictures of the last months activities (again I need to do better with taking more pictures):
Austyn on her rocking horse

What a cute little cowgirl

This is Easter morning. I figured rubber boots always go
with Easter dresses around here. She's seems pretty pumped about it.

Here she is watching her daddy play softball

  This is the hit that got him ejected from the game during the first inning. There was a rule that you couldn't hit it over a certain part of the fencebecause of the houses behind the fields. It would have been a home run. Good thing it was a double header.