Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Recovery . . .

  So I ended up going to Urgent Care the next morning after my middle of the night blog post. And I did indeed have the adult version of Hand, Foot, and Mouth (and Butt). Not fun!  My hands were so painful that I was crying just trying to make a bottle for Quade. My poor sister-in-law, had to deal with me and help me do everything with the kids. Including changing poopy diapers. She's a saint. The only thing the doctor could do was give me some really strong pain pills for comfort measures. I was just amazing at the horrible symptoms that came along with that disease and especially knowing the kids went through it and acted like nothing was going on. I asked the doctor about that and he said that when adults get it the symptoms are extremely escalated compared to the child version. Of course it is. Lucky me! So now, my finger tips are all peeling and cracking because of the rash I had. It is almost as painful as the Hand, Foot, and Mouth. I'm thinking by the weekend my hands will be back to normal. And in the mean time, I got a bladder infection. I swear when it rains, it pours with me. I'm just waiting for my third strike. But the kids are all better, besides the typical seasonal runny nose here and there. Needless to say, I'm ready to start using my hands without it being painful.
  This is the last weekend for Lone Pine. Austyn and I will miss it, but I know my family will be glad it's done. They are all so exhausted. Time for a few months of down time! I'm not sure what we will do with all of our time now. I'm sure we won't have an troubles finding something to do.
  Jordan is getting ramped up for Elk Hunting. He is leaving after we go Trick-or-Treating and driving all night with a buddy. I guess it takes 10 hours to get where they are going. It's a new spot, so hopefully everything goes good. I think he will be gone for 5-7 days. Not too bad. He is also off work until the 15th of November. So it's been amazing having him home everyday. I'm loving it so much. Wish it didn't have to end.
  Nothing new with me. Kids are great. Quade has started to roll now. And he is thinking about crawling and pulling up on things. Won't be too long. He has become such a Mama's boy it's pathetic. It's me or nothing. He will only eat a bottle for my Mom and Jordan. But he won't let anyone feed him food, or give him a bath without crying the whole time. I know it's irritating to people and me too sometimes, but what can you expect when it's been him and I his whole little life. Since he was born Jordan and my parents have been so busy with working and Jordan building our house that they haven't been able to spend the time they did with Austyn when she was that age. But I'm not saying at all I don't like it :) Austyn is doing great in school, she loves it. We got to go on her first field trip to guess where... Lone Pine! We rode the bus and everything. She had a blast with all her buddies. She was the tour guide through the whole thing.
  We took our first ever family pictures the other day. I'm soooooo excited to see them. I can't wait to hang them up on our blank walls (that are driving Jordan nuts).
  Hope everyone is happy and healthy as we start heading into the Holidays. My favorite time of year. I'll keep the posts coming.
This is of Austyn at her school's Jog-A-Thon.
Each kid ran laps for 30 minutes and gets pledges for
each lap they did. Austyn did 13 laps. Way to go!!!
Please donate if you want to. Funds go straight to her
class for field trips and supplies.

Brother cheering sister on as she ran

Lone Pine Buddies

Love this one!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Sick Days at the Petersen Compound...

  It seems as if both kids have been sick in some way for the last month. Austyn started it off with a weird outer ear infection. Then Quade had this weird fussy spell. We all got a small little cold. And last but certainly not least, we ALL (with the exception of Jordan of course) got a good does of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease! All the reading I did on it said that usually adults have already come into contact with it so they usually don't get it. So of course I thought I was in the clear. WRONG!!!!! I have to feel even more sorry for the kids now, because I know how miserable it is. So far I've had the worst sore throat imaginable. And my palms are so sensitive and sore it's unbearable. And to top it off my hands are so itchy. I can't itch them because it hurts too bad. I can barely do anything with my hands. Literally driving or making a bottle or anything that touches my hands. It sucks. I can't sleep at all (even after two benadryls) so I'm up at 1:30am writing this blog. I'm deciding weather or not to go into the ER or try and tough it out. I'm thinking it's only going to get worse for the next couple of days and it would be a really convenient time to go in the middle of the night when the kids are sleeping and they don't have to come with me. I just don't want to get there and pay for an ER visit and essentially have them laugh at me and tell me there's nothing they can do for me. And having the husband I do an ER visit means you must be literally dying. I know he would frown upon me even thinking of going. We'll will see what the next couple hours bring.
  Kids are doing fine, besides the sick spell we are under. Austyn is still really enjoying Preschool. She got her first fat lip. She was walking with her hands in her pockets and looking at me coming across the parking lot at school and tripped and landed right on her mouth and chin. It was awful, blood everywhere and an instant fat, black lip. Poor girl had rocks in her mouth and everything. But she powered right through it. And she's rocking her fat lip now. I wonder how many people will think I beat her? Quade has started to roll all over now. He has also started to attempt to pull up on his bumpers in his crib and think about crawling. But it's still a ways off still. So exciting to see him start moving around a bit. Still no teeth at 8 months. So it should be really fun when they all hit at once :)
  Jordan is hot and heavy into Lone Pine these days. He works every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday over there from about 10 am to 11:30 pm. Then he has to go back to the fire station once or twice during the week. He is exhausted. Poor guy. So we are pretty much living at Lone Pine so we can see him and my parents a little bit. When he is home, he has been organizing and building shelves for the garage. He almost has everything in it's place. It looks so nice. He's so handy, he amazes me.
  We have had Jordan's brother and his family from Utah staying with us for the last month. His brother got a job here and they are staying with us until they can buy a house. It's been so fun watching the kids play together everyday. They have three kids, so it's like a built in play date all the time. It has also been nice having my sister-in-law Jackie around while Jordan has been so busy. It's so nice to talk and hang out with her. And having the extra help around the house is priceless. When I come home from my parents they come out and help me unload all my stuff. Because with kids, no matter where you go and it doesn't matter how long you've been gone, you always have at least two arm fulls of stuff. Not counting the kids. Then they take Quade and feed him while I get Austyn to bed. It's amazing!!
  I have been doing a little bit of crafting. I made Austyn's Halloween costume. And a few fall decorations for the house. My new favorite thing about the house is being able to have a craft space and being able to leave it all out. It's awesome.
  Things I'm looking forward to:
After Elk hunting-this is the time that Jordan will finally have NOTHING planned. We will see if it lasts.
Holidays in the new house
A little vacation to Sun River with our best buddies the Bishops
Slowing down and enjoying our new house
Did I mention slowing down and enjoying our house
One more time, slowing down and enjoying our new house

I hope everyone is happy and most importantly HEALTHY. It's now 2:00 am and it's gotten worse as I've sat here. Might be a visit to the ER in my future. I'll keep ya posted.