Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Long Time Over Due . . .

Holy Cow, spring has been along time coming. I'm usually good with all the seasons and what each one brings, but this year winter just took too long. We are all chomping at the bit to get outside and play.
Over Spring Break we went camping at the coast. My favorite thing to do in the whole world!!!! The kids are the best campers and love it so much too. We decided that we needed to upgrade our little truck camper to a toyhauler. We are so excited to start camping this year with our own trailer. And of course we had to try it out in the driveway when we got it. We had planned on doing concrete around the house this summer, but agreed that the trailer needed to come first.
Jordan participated in the Seattle Stair Climb for the second year. He trained so hard to prepare for the event and he did outstanding. He crushed his last years time by quite a bit and his overall ranking was amazing. His time was 14.11 and placed 33rd out of 1800. He is an amazing man. He is continuing to enjoy his study break in his Officers Development program. He will resume studying in early summer for his promotional test in November. And with his "down time" he is has finished painting his truck and has begun to put everything back together. He is so brave to take on a project like that. He has never painted a rig before and as usual did a great job. He also finished the Firefighter Fitness Challenge and his team placed 4th and won $1000. I got myself a real Rockstar husband.
Austyn thoroughly enjoyed Spring Break. She likes to sleep in and the craziness we have when we aren't on a school schedule. She just finished up a session of swim lessons and did amazing. She has a real passion for swimming and it makes my heart so happy to watch her. She swam in a Deep Water class that took place in the 9ft deep end of the pool. She learned back stroke, diving, retrieving rings from the bottom of the pool, and her all time favorite, jumping off the diving board. Her second report card came out and she was in the outstanding category for all subjects. She really does love school! She will be doing one more swim session and then its softball season!!!! We've already been practicing and can't wait for the season to get here.
Quade has been in swim lessons too and does great. They aren't his favorite thing to do, but he knows it's not an option to not do them. So he tolerates them the best he can. Once he is in the water he is perfect. Sometimes it's quite the feat to get him in the water though. He continues to go to school with me when I sub, and really enjoys it. Next year will be his year to go to preschool. I'm going to be one lonely Mommy.
Nothing new with me. I feel like quite the slacker compared to everyone else. It's all I can do to just keep up with everyone. I'm so proud of Jordan and the kids for all their accomplishments and activities that they are doing. I'm such a lucky person with such a wonderfully perfect little life. Hope everyone is doing well and finally enjoying some sunny weather.

Sorry this blog has been so delayed. I've been having trouble with the app I was using and then was told to try something super simple and what do ya know, it worked.
 Quade even got in on some training with Jordan for the Stair climb

 GEM is now 5 months old. She powered through getting spayed and we have installed an underground fence for her so she can roam free all around our property

 Part of the Spring Break group. I love seeing these kiddos riding.
 Here is our new trailer. It's a 26' Toyhauler. We are super excited to start using it.
 And of course we had to test it out the night we got it.
 Country kids doing country things.

 Here they are getting ready for the Easter Bunny.
 Cutest kids in the world
 GG and her favorite little people.
 Quade pulling the cart after a wind storm
 Late night hunting with Papa
 Look at that Air!!! His first jump
 Austyn was in her talent show doing a dance to the new movie Moana with a big group of kids from her school. It was super cute.