Friday, July 13, 2012

Our Growing Family . . .

  Summer has finally arrived and I'm loving it! It is so nice to get up and put Austyn in shorts and sandals. We are so fortunate that we live on a river. So we get to go swimming whenever we want to. Austyn loves the water.
  We got to go camping a few weekends back with a bunch of friends. We went to East Lake campground outside of La Pine. It was a lot of fun. We went hiking on some lava flows and then to see some really cool waterfalls. On the way home we stopped outside of Bend and walked down to the mile long cave. That was really cool. It seemed like a really long mile though. Fun trip with fun people!

  We got to go to the rodeo this year too. We took Austyn with us and much to my surprise she sat on my lap the entire time. I'm still amazed. She loved the animals and the fireworks at the end. I think that was the longest she has ever sat outside her car seat. We should take her to rodeos more often :) 
  We also had Jordan's sister's wedding over the 6th and 7th to go to. She got married at the temple in Portland and then a reception in JC the following day. The wedding was really pretty and everyone had a lot of fun. 
  Austyn has been doing great. Growing like crazy. Her hair is growing, her vocabulary is growing, everything is growing. I am just amazed at how well she is communicating these days. I finally got her skin under control. It took a while but we did it. She weighs over 30 pounds and is in 3T clothes. She is really good at her colors and can say A  B C (we're working on D). And she can count 1 2 6 4. It's progress I guess. She is really good about following directions (when it's play time that is). Still loves anything that goes. And is really digging the warm weather and swimming. She still hates to get her picture taken (decent pictures) so I did manage to distract her enough with candy to snap a few good ones. 

  Jordan has been busy busy busy. He continues to get bids on our house and get things lined out. He dug the ditch for the power this week. So exciting to finally start the process. We both want to start the house this fall, but we initially decided to wait until next spring so it didn't interfere (distract him) with his promotional test. I will try and hold strong and be the voice of reason (what's new). He's also been busy trying to get our wood done before he's so busy with the corn maze stuff at Lone Pine. And on top of all that he's started studying for his test in November. So we don't see much of him, but maybe when the house is done next year at this time we can slow down and relax. HA HA HA! 
  I haven't been working too much. Work has been pretty slow these days. But I'm not complaining! I love staying home and playing all day outside with Austyn. My dream job! I've just been busy these days making a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's right, we are pregnant!!!! But I'm sure all of you already new that. I'm just 9 weeks along and things are going good. I've been kind of sick this time, but found that if I eat small meals ALL the time it helps immensely. It's so much different with the second one. The initial ultrasound wasn't quite as exciting/emotional and not one name has flashed through my head yet. But I guess since I know what's coming at me it's a little different. My due date is February 14th! 
  We wanted to go camping and have another BBQ but I think our schedule has ran out of room. Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather. Have a great summer!