Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015 . . .

  Here is my last post for 2014. We had a magical Christmas. The kids found magic in everything. I'm so proud to be their Mom. We visited Santa a few times just to make sure he knew what Austyn wanted. All she asked for was a bathtub pony. It changes colors in the bathtub. We also wrote him a letter. Santa was well informed. We had a family Christmas party and Santa surprised all the kids. He handed out a gift for each person and Austyn got her pony. It was truely amazing to see her face light up as he handed her the gift and have it be what she wanted. And Quade was pretty pumped too. We were pretty busy on Christmas. Jordan had to work😪 So we got the kids up early to see what Santa had left in their stockings. The. Jordan headed off to work. We then went to my parents for breakfast and presents. Then to my Aunts for snacks and presents. Back to my parents for lunch and naps. Then to the fire station for dinner with Jordan.  And back to my parents for dessert. Busy but wonderful day. Children are truely precious with their innocence. 

Visiting Santa with all 9 Petersen kids. We has an age range of 4 months to 9 years and they all smiled and didn't cry. Now that's some magic right there. 

Building their Gingerbread house with Daddy

Christmas jammies, reading The Night Before Christmas, cookies were baking for Santa, and reindeer food was set out. They were ready. 

Our house and it's reflection in the water. Beautiful!

Austyn holding her baby cousin Evie. This was her old Christmas outfit. She is such a good baby. 

All Petersen cousins. And one more will be joining us soon!

Daddy teaching Austyn how to shoot her NEW BB gun. So cute. 

  We finally got our wood stove in. It has been so nice to have a stove again. We just have to figure out a mantel and a wood door. It is also taking a little bit to get use to the new stove and how to set the settings and such. But well worth it. 

Our first fire. Good piece of advice-DO NOT start your first fire in a new stove a night. The burn off from the new paint will most likely set off your fire alarms and you'll be stuff fanning them all night. Hindsight is always 20 20. 

  Austyn had a horse show last weekend. It was so cute and also awesome to see how she has improved from last years horse shows. She trotted this time without screaming and crying. And she wanted to stay the WHOLE time. From 8:30-4:30. It was a long day for mommy. But I wouldn't change it for anything. My heart is so happy when she is having fun on he pony. 

This may be the cutest thing I've ever seen. 

Austyn and cousin Kate

Austyn, Quade, Kate, and Eliot in the background

Austyn and her idol Shaely

Mommy got shamed into doing a bareback class (thank you Lisa) 

  As I sit here writing this blog I think of all that has happened this year. We are truely blessed in all aspects of our lives. Life couldn't get any better. I feel like I did a good job accomplishing all my New Years resolutions for this year. So I'm going to continue in 2015 improving on my 2014 resolutions. Which will be: trying to be the best Mom and wife I can be. Continue with my health/fitness goal: not so much a weight goal, but just to feel healthy and good about myself. And to help contribute financially somehow. Right now I babysit on Mondays for a few hours. It's not much, but it's something. And who knows, something else might come along. 
  I hope everyone had an amazing year like we did. And I hope everyone has a great 2015. Happy New Years!!

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