Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Time With the Petersen's . . .

  OK, so I've noticed that we haven't slowed down too much since Jordan came back from Elk hunting. But it's been just enough to be able to enjoy our time.We were able to go to Sun River for a few days over my Birthday this year. We got to go with our best buddies, The Bishops! I was kind of bummed to go when we were supposed to get snow at home, but turns out on my Birthday it started snowing in Sun River too. We ended up with 8 inches or so. We had the best time doing nothing. It was a cool house, it had a fireplace which was awesome to have, a hot tube that we never got in, and season passes to the local activities. We went swimming one day and the kids had a blast. Quade had the most fun of all of them. What a water dog! We all want to go back next year. We also just had our annual Christmas party. Another fun night was had by all. It was fun having it at the new place and having everyone over to see our new house. We were very fortunate through all the cold weather we had that none of our pipes froze. So many people were out of water, with broken pipes. What a mess that would have been. Through the cold snap my poop Dad was in charge of 7 houses to keep unfroze. He managed to keep 6 out of the 7, and if the 1 set of renters would have listened to his advice (keep a faucet dripping in the house, and a heater turned on in the pump house, and unhook and turn off all hoses) they wouldn't have froze up. Some people are just too stupid to help sometimes. Needless to say, he was ready for it to warm up a bit. 
  The kids are doing wonderful. Both are growing like weeds. Austyn is still loving school. Even after her 6 snow days in a row! That's got to be some kind of record. She is so funny and the joy of all of our lives. Quade is still a mommy's boy, but getting a tad better about it. He has started crawling. He isn't too interested in it, he would rather walk with our fingers instead. He is also cruising along things and beginning to stand by himself. He can feed himself and drink from a sippy cup. And to my heartbreaking dismay, beginning to wean himself from the bottle :( I could just cry. By this time with Austyn she was down to just 2 bottles a day, morning and night. But Quade is getting 3 still. I just can't bear to give it up, even though I practically have to force at least on down him a day. MY BABY IS GROWING UP AND I HATE IT!! I hate to admit this too but, I am slowly finding out that Quade might have a bit of a temper. I was hoping that he would be like my brother as a baby, sweet and cuddly and even tempered. But he's showing signs of little temper. Oh well, I'm use to one kid with a spark, might as well have two. 
  Jordan has slowed down a bit. He actually will sit down once and a while and do nothing. He's been able to do a few projects that were needing to be done. And I'm pretty sure he's enjoying the slower pace of things. I can't even think of his next trip/project/job planned. Although, I do know that there is an annual Coyote trip in January. I just haven't heard anything about it yet. 
  And as for me, nothing new here. I am enjoying our house hold not being sick with some kind of ailment. I'd better knock on wood, but I've probably just jinxed myself. Our last experience was head to toe poison oak. Jordan had never been so miserable. He had to go to Urgent Care, and you know if he goes to those he thinks he dying. Poor guy. And I'm not complaining, but I did get it on my thighs too. But nothing compared to him. It was awful. So now that that's over, Austyn and I are now having some of our finger nails fall out because of the hand foot and mouth we had two months ago. They said it might happen, but it would be a while after we had gotten over it. Always somethings. 
  I hope everyone has a wonderfully perfect Christmas and New Years!!! 

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