Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Happy Boy Turns Crabby...

  As much as I'm reluctant to face it, Quade is changing into quite the determined young lad (to say it nicely). He is still happy and easy going the first half of the day. But when he wakes up from his second nap, he is a different kid althogether:( He is a little turd to feed dinner, and he screams the whole time in the bath tub. Which is something he used to love. I'm finding myself anxious and dreading the evenings with him, which I hate feeling like that. I've tried to feed him a big meal right when he wakes up thinking he's hungry. I've tried another small nap in the late evening thinking he's tired. But nothing works. All he wants to eat is baby food and snack foods for dinner, which is not going to cut it with me. He throws fits about everything, which is something I'm not used to either. I feel like I've tried everything the nice way. And all I'm doing is causing bad habits. And I know it's just a stage he's going through. But mean mommy is slowly creeping out in me. He is so picky with his foods too. It's driving me nuts. Gotta love this part of parenting, shooting from the hip and hopeing it works. I don't mind trying new things, in fact I love different approaches. I just hate causing bad habits, they are so hard to break. I know everything will turn out just fine in a few weeks when he moves on to a different stage, but it gets a little draining every evening. That's the beauty and the downfall about kids is that they travel through their different stages so quickly. Enough to keep you on your toes for sure. It's even puzzling Jordan. Usually when I get to this stage I'm grasping at any suggestions or ideas I can get and he usually has such a simple solution for everything. But not this time. Dang it! I totally get that it's a stage, but I'll take any thoughts on the issue. Sooner than later please!!

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