Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Months Worth of Happenings...

  That was a long busy, but very fast month. If that makes any sense. We had a record breaking hay season this year. We got my Grandmas and my Aunts hay done in ONE week. And it went so smooth. Austyn and Quade loved hay season this year. Anything different and fun, they're into it:). We also went camping with good friends to Fall Creek. It was soooo much fun. A perfect place for kids to run free and just be kids. Austyn finished her first year of Preschool! Man were we ready for school to be out! We've still been enjoying Chocolate Chip. We get to take her horse camping with us in a few weeks. Austyn is getting much more confident with her. Austyn started swim lessons and Scandinavian dancing. And we built her a lemonade stand, which was the cutest thing I've ever seen. We took it to the end of my parents driveway during the Highway 36 garage sales. She made a killing. She was so into it the first day, but the second day she was over it. I feel like we definitely packed the month of June full to the brim. I'm hopeing the next few months will be a little slower. But that's what I always say and we end up crazy busy. 
  Jordan has been busy busy at work with overtime and paying back trades. He is itching to do some projects around the house, but we haven't decided which ones we are going to tackle this summer (or where the time will be to do them). We are thinking about enclosing the overhangs in front and back with toung and groove cedar. 
  Austyn is loving summer break. She's already whinning about going back to school in the fall. She is doing great in her swim lessons. She is jumping off the diving board now. Which she is very proud of herself for. She is a little uncoordinated with getting her arms and legs to work at the same time, but she is getting so much better. She also is a crazy girl about riding her quad. I'm blown away at how well she rides at 3 years old. She is still my best little buddy in the world. 
This is Austyn on her first day and last day of pre-school in the same outfit. She grew a little in 9 months!

The lemonade stand. Jordan built it in a trailer so we could move it with the quad. 

This was during hay season. I think she had a constant ice cream going the whole time. 

Austyn being silly on Chocolate Chip

Quade finding any kind of water. Even if it's a leaky hose he is in it. 

Austyn and Colton. First loves. 

Austyn and mema during hay season

  Quade is growing like a weed. His hair is amazing. It grows so fast he needs a hair cut about every 3-4 weeks. He is talking so much lately. It's adorable. He can say: everyone's names, a ton of animals and their sounds, "I did it", poop poo (then runs to the toilet and wants to sit on it), tractor, truck, all motor sounds, and so much more. He still has a very short temper! But has gotten slightly better with controlling it. I'm contemplating packing a spray bottle around for when he throws his little tantrums. :) He is very happy and friendly to those he knows. Otherwise it's touch and go. And the best thing he does is everything Austyn does. He watches her every move and then copies what she did. It's adorable. 
  I am just living the dream. Pretty much living on cloud nine. Between having the best kids ever, an amazing husband, being able to stay home with the kids, our new house, this incredible weather, being able to live so close to family, it can't get much better than this. I started another round of the diet. Been slacking on the workouts a little, but over all I'm still losing weight slowly. And believe it or not, I am starting to get a slight tan on my legs! Yea me! I've spent every nap time since it started getting warm in June laying in the sun. I'm determined to get tan this summer. 
  We have horse camping in Silver Lake on the 17th and then the Crab trip with the Firestation at the end of August. Those are the last camping trips planned. Another fun thing we get to do is go to the Emms baseball game. They have a firefighters night every year and we finally get to go this year. I'm excited. I love baseball! We still have trees down from the ice storm this winter. We have been trying to sell it, but no takers. So $50 a truck load. It almost all oak and there is probably a couple cords. If anyone knows of someone in need of wood for the winter. And it's really easy to get to. Jordan said he would even help load it and cut it into rounds if needed. 
  Have a safe 4th of July! 

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