Sunday, February 1, 2015

Daisy and Duke . . .

  I've written several posts and have forgotten to mention the new additions to our farm family. We are attempting round two on miniature donkeys. We got two 10 year old mini donkeys. They are so cute and sweet. We got a boy and a girl, Duke and Daisy. The kids absolutely love them. Quade is crazy about them. He leads his (Duke) all by himself around the pen. It is so adorable. Duke likes to have something in his mouth a lot and he takes the lead rope and holds it in his mouth while Quade leads him. It just infuriates Quade. It Is hilarious. They have started to brea when we pull up to feed them. I love it. Austyn is very comfortable with Daisy, but a little leary of Duke for some reason. I think she likes the size of them. We are hoping to eventually turn them out with the goats, but we have to make sure they will get along first. I've lead them out with the goats several times and the little boy is quite aggressive even while on the lead. So I'm going to keep working with them, but I'm not going to push it. I don't want anything to get hurt. We don't have any plans for them besides pets. Maybe the pet parade!! We've got to win that sucker this year!!!!!

  So far so good on the potty training. He pees and poops on the potty. He is too busy to tell me he has to go pee, but that will come with time and age. So we still have the occasional accident if he is playing or really busy. I'm pretty sure it's a boy thing. But he is getting really good about telling me he needs to go poop though. Im so glad the poop thing came quicker than it did with Austyn. But by this time she was telling me she needed to go pee. Give and take I guess. I'd rather have it this way anyways. We through our diaper pail away today!! It was a weird and good feeling. It's just going to get better from here. I love seeing him in big boy undies. 

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