Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Patients of a patient ...

  So I went into the dermatologist for a regular checkup and they found a suspicious mole on my lower left leg. She said she wanted to remove it and send it in for testing. We got the test results and all margins were positive and it was classified as a moderate atypical Nevis. Which was not anything close to melanoma but they didnt want to take any chances, because there is no way of knowing if it would eventually become melanoma. And since it runs in my family she wanted to be safe. So I went back in to have the rest removed and ended up having to have more removed than initially anticipated. They had a difficult time closing up the incision and they are concerned that if I don't take it easy it will break open and then need a graft to get extra skin to close it again. Yikes! So of course my Mom is the one to always draw the short straw (haha) with the kids. I can say I'm not the best patient in the world. Especially when I'm not sick. It's so hard to just sit around all day and have everyone do things for me. I tend to get cranky (to say the least). 
  I am just so lucky and fortunate to have the amazing support group that I have. I don't think I could ever express to my parents how thankful I am for everything they do for me. It just blows my mind how selfless they are. Truely the most thoughtful and loving parents there ever has been. And Austyn is sooooooo sweet. She has made me get well card, picked me flowers everyday, given me endless compliments, and is always checking up on me. She is so thoughtful for being 4 years old. Quade has also chipped in on taking it easy on me. He has been told to not rough house with me or have me do anything for him. And he has acted like a complete gentleman and followed all directions. What a change in behavior he's had in the last week. Finally!!!! And Jordan decided to build closet organizers for the office. I am just beside myself excited to have the closet organized. It will be amazing once I get it done. And I can't leave out all the amazing offers from family and friends to help out in anyway they can. Mostly with watching the kids. My sister-in-law brought us dinner and cookies and also lent us her amazing husband to help Jordan with the shelves. 

  I can't get over how extremely lucky our family is to have such wonderful loving people around us. So far my leg has hurt more than I had expected. But fortunately I have left over pain medicine from my back surgery. I hope by Friday I won't need anyone to help with the kids. Thanks again everyone. 
  Besides the leg procedure, we have just been enjoying the early spring weather. We got ALL our sticks picked up, mowed everything, and we even got an early spray on. I'm am definitely ready for flowers now! We should be having baby goats anytime. We know for sure 3 out of 5 are carrying, and w are pretty sure the 4th one is pregnant. But our favorite goat didn't take. We are hoping for twins from all the mama goats. Austyn is doing outstanding in school. She is recognizing all letters and numbers. She knows the sounds of all the letters and is beginning to sound out words. I've started to work on sight words with her and she loves it. Quade has turned a corner (knock on wood) with his behavior. We can't figure out what went on in those terrible two weeks. And I'm not saying we are out of the woods just yet either. But it is considerably better, back to his old self. Jordan has been doing honey-do chores and working on his "new" truck. He also has done an outstanding job on his diet and excersise. He has leaned down and toned up. He looks amazing. What I wouldn't give for a smidge bit of his motivation. 
  I hope everyone is happy and healthy. 

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